Chandrayaan-3 Space Quiz | Grade 1st-2nd
Chandrayaan-3 Space Quiz | Grade 1st-2nd

Chandrayaan-3 Space Quiz | Grade 1st-2nd

Welcome to your Chandrayaan-3 Space Quiz | Grade 1st-2nd

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Who was the first person to land on the moon?

The Chandrayaan 2 mission’s lander is called ________.

Did chandrayaan 1 found water on moon

The Chandraayan 2 mission’s rover is called ________.

Chanddrayaan-3 will be launched from ____________

Chandrayaan-3 will become the first mission to soft land near the _________ pole of the moon

One Lunar day is equal to

How many planets are there in our solar system?

Moon is the artificial satellite of an earth?

The full form of ISRO is __________________________

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